

La angustia y el dolor, el placer y la muerte no son más que un proceso para existir".
"¿Qué sería de mí sin lo absurdo y lo fugaz?"

24 septiembre, 2008

Goop la web de Gwyneth Paltrow

Esta semana mi querida Gwyneth Paltrow puso online una web, http://goop.com/ donde planea compartir con l@s usuarios, sus tips para llevar una buena vida...

"My life is good because I am not passive about it. I want to nourish what is real, and I want to do it without wasting time. I love to travel, to cook, to eat, to take care of my body and mind, to work hard. I love being a mother who has to overcome my bad qualities to be a good mother. I love being in spaces that are clean and nice," son las palabras que encontramos sin esfuerzo al comienzo de las secciones

Además suguiere:"Make your life good. Invest in what's real. Cook a meal for someone you love. Pause before reacting. Clean out your space. Read something beautiful. Treat yourself to something. Go to a city you've never been to. Learn something new. Don't be lazy. Workout and stick with it. GOOP. Make it great."

El sitio se encuentra dividido en varias secciones "Make," "Go," "Get," "Do," "Be," & "See." que aun no estan al 100%... pero es cosa segura que las ideas y planteamientos que se publiquen, seran, de Gwyneth.

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